238 research outputs found

    Nucleon effects on the photon dispersion relations in matter

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    We calculate the nucleon contribution to the photon self-energy in a plasma, including the effect of the anomalous magnetic moment of the nucleons. General formulas for the transverse and longitudinal components of the self-energy are obtained and we give explicit results in various limits of physical interest. The formulas are relevant for the study of the photon dispersion relations and the dynamical susceptibility in a nuclear medium such as the core of a supernova, and has implications with regard to the recent suggestion that the Cerenkov process ννγ\nu \to \nu\gamma can take place in such a system.Comment: RevTe

    Dissimilar esponses of ancient grapevines recovered in Navarra (Spain) to arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in terms of berry quality

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    The exploitation of genetic diversity within agricultural plants, including grapevine, is suggested as a valuable tool to cope with the negative impacts of climate change on yield and crop quality. In some winegrowing regions of Europe, there is a renewed interest in knowing the grapevine genetic resources available, focusing on the prospection, recovery, and study of ancient cultivars typical of every zone. Grapevines are naturally associated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), which provide some benefits to the host plant, although such effects depending on many factors, including variety. Therefore, the aim of this research was to characterize the potential fruit quality of eight old grapevine varieties recovered in Navarre (northeastern of the Iberian Peninsula), associated or not with AMF. The study was carried out on fruit-bearing cuttings grown under controlled conditions (greenhouse). Overall, AMF inoculation reduced bunch and berry mass, as well as phenolic content in fruits. In some varieties, AMF association improved some berry traits by increasing the concentrations of soluble solids and anthocyanins; in others, berry colour, total phenolic and anthocyanin content were diminished in AMF-inoculated plants. The results, therefore, suggest that intraspecific diversity of old grapevines could include different abilities to respond to arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis

    Ranas terrestres en los ecosistemas surandinos de Ecuador I: Dos nuevas especies de Pristimantis (Anura: Craugastoridae) de la ladera oriental

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    We describe two new species of Pristimantis from the cloud forest and paramo highlands protected by the Reserva Municipal Tinajillas-Gualaceño, province of Morona-Santiago, southeast versant of the Andes of Ecuador. The first species inhabits cloud forests at 2250 m and its diagnosed by the presence of spatulated digital discs and dark brown coloration (males with orange groin). The second species inhabits paramo highlands at 3200 m and exhibits a distinctive inguinal coloration with black marks on yellow background, a subconical tubercle on the snout and tympanum present.Se describen dos especies nuevas de Pristimantis de los bosques nublados y páramos protegidos por la Reserva Municipal Tinajillas-Gualaceño, provincia de Morona-Santiago, vertiente suroriental de los Andes de Ecuador. La primera especie habita los bosques nublados entre 1900 a 2250 m y se diagnostica por la presencia de los discos digitales espatulados y colación marrón oscuro (machos con ingles naranja). La segunda especie habita páramos a 3200 m y exhibe una distintiva coloración inguinal con fondo amarillo y manchas negras, un tubérculo subcónico en el hocico y tímpano presente

    Frecuencia y carga parasitaria en branquias de alevinos de gamitana (Colossoma macropomum) mediante exámenes directos en tres establecimientos piscícolas de Ucayali, Perú

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    The aim of this study was to determine the frequency and load of ectoparasites in gills of cachama fry from three semi-intensive farming fish farms in the province of Coronel Portillo, Ucayali, Peru. Sixty fingerlings (35-45 days old) were selected from each of the three fingerling supply establishments (E1, E2 and E3), reared at similar density and feeding conditions. Three fresh gill layer sections were evaluated from both sides, by visual observation with a 2x magnifying glass to detect crustaceans and by direct microscopy at 10x for trematodes and at 40x for protozoa. Four degrees of infestation were considered; null (0 parasites), mild (1-3), moderate (4-7) and severe (>8). It was possible to identify mainly forms compatible with monogeneans of the Dactylogyridae family, compatible with Dactylogyrus spp (41.1%) and protozoa, mostly of the Oodiniaceae family, compatible with Piscinodinium spp (10.6%). No crustaceans were found. The frequencies of infestations were 28.3, 86.7 and 18.3% in E1, E2 and E3, respectively. Parasitic loads were mostly light (87.5, 53.8 and 83.3% for monogeneans and 80, 70 and 100% for protozoa, in E1, E2, and E3, respectively). The results suggest a lower sanitary condition in the E2 fingerlings. It is concluded that there was a higher frequency of infestations by monogeneans and light parasite loads in gills of cachama fry from the three fish farms evaluated by direct examinations.El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la frecuencia y carga de ectoparásitos en branquias de alevinos de gamitana procedentes de tres establecimientos piscícolas de crianza semi-intensiva en la provincia de Coronel Portillo, Ucayali, Perú. Se seleccionaron 60 alevinos (35-45 días de edad) por cada uno de los tres establecimientos proveedores de alevinos (E1, E2 y E3), criados a condiciones similares en densidad y alimentación. Se evaluaron tres secciones de capas branquiales de ambos lados en fresco, mediante observación visual con una lupa a 2x para detectar crustáceos y mediante microscopía directa a 10x para trematodos y a 40x para protozoarios. Se consideraron cuatro grados de infestación; nulo (0 parásitos), leves (1-3), moderado (4-7) y severo (>8). Se logró identificar principalmente formas compatibles con monogeneos de la familia Dactylogyridae, compatibles con Dactylogyrus spp (41.1%) y protozoarios, mayormente de la familia Oodiniaceae, compatibles con Piscinodinium spp (10.6%). No se encontraron crustáceos. Las frecuencias de infestaciones fueron de 28.3, 86.7 y 18.3% en E1, E2 y E3, respectivamente. Las cargas parasitarias fueron mayormente leves (87.5, 53.8 y 83.3% para monogeneos y 80, 70 y 100% para protozoarios, en E1, E2, y E3, respectivamente). Los resultados sugieren una menor condición sanitaria en los alevinos del E2. Se concluye que hubo mayor frecuencia de infestaciones por monogeneos y cargas parasitarias leves en branquias de alevinos de gamitanas de las tres piscigranjas evaluadas mediante exámenes directos

    en menor proporción por arcillas y limos grises. La Sucesión Sedimentaria Inferior (SSI) abarca la parte inferior y media de la Formación Escucha de Pardo (1979) y contiene los tramos de carbón que siguen siendo explotados hoy día en la Comarca de las Cuencas Mineras de Teruel. Esta Sucesión Sedimentaria Inferior se encuentra estratigráficamente entre las plataformas urgonianas en la base (Formaciones Oliete, Villarroya de los Pinares) o la Formación Benassal, dependiendo de los sectores estudiados, y la Superficie de Discontinuidad Regional (SDR) en el techo. Esta Sucesión Sedimentaria Inferior tiene una edad Aptiense superior-Albiense inferior a partir de la bioestratigrafía de nanofósiles, foraminíferos planctónicos, dinoflagelados y polen. Esta sucesión está formada por: 1) un Intervalo Basal con Carbonatos, que constituye el registro sedimentario de una plataforma carbonatada con extensos lagoons; (2) Un Intervalo Intermedio con Carbón, formado en una costa siliciclástica con sistemas isla-barrera con marismas y 3) un Intervalo Arcilloso Superior caracterizado por potentes tramos arcillosos con rasgos pedogenéticos desarrollados en un sistema costero arcilloso de baja energía. La Sucesión Sedimentaria Superior (SSS) incluye areniscas, limos y arcillas de la parte superior de la Formación Escucha y las areniscas, limos y arcillas de la Formación Utrillas. Esta Sucesión Sedimentaria Superior se encuentra comprendida entre la Superficie de Discontinuidad Regional (SDR) en su base y las plataformas carbonatadas del Cretácico Superior en su techo, y tiene una edad Albiense inferior-Cenomaniense inferior. La Sucesión Sedimentaria Superior constituye un sistema desértico arenoso (erg), que se desarrolló sobre la SDR, extensiéndose sobre un área mínima de más de 16.000 km2 en las Provincias de Soria, Zaragoza y Teruel. El sistema desértico muestra una zonación espacial característica, como la descrita previamente para

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    El desarrollo de un sistema desértico arenoso (erg) cretácico ha sido reconocido a partir de estudios estratigráficos, sedimentológicos, paleoclimáticos, paleogeográficos y de relación tectónicasedimentación en las Formaciones Escucha y Utrillas. Estos estudios indican que los potentes tramos arenosos, con tramos arcillosos y limosos de la parte superior de la Formación Escucha y totalidad dela Formación Utrillas en su área tipo y sectores adjacentes (Provincias de Teruel, Zaragoza y Soria),constituyen el registro sedimentario del primer sistema desértico arenoso (erg) cretácico de Europa. El sistema desértico arenoso se desarrolló sobre la Superficie de Discontinuidad Regional (SDR) que se encuentra estratigráficamente dentro del registro de la Formación Escucha y marca la desaparición regional de los tramos de carbón que se explotan en la Comarca de las Cuencas Mineras de Teruel. Esta superficie está asociada a procesoso de exposición subaérea, erosión y tectónica sinsedimentaria, y ha sido reconocida tanto en subsuelo como en superficie a lo largo de más de 230 km. Esta Superficie de Discontinuidad Regional separa dos sucesiones sedimentarias: una Sucesión Sedimentaria Inferior (SSI), formada principalmente por arcillas y limos que contienen tramos de carbón, areniscas y carbonatos y una Sucesión Sedimentaria Superior (SSS) formada por areniscas y en menor proporción por arcillas y limos grises. La Sucesión Sedimentaria Inferior (SSI) abarca la parte inferior y media de la Formación Escucha de Pardo (1979) y contiene los tramos de carbón que siguen siendo explotados hoy día en la Comarca de las Cuencas Mineras de Teruel. Esta Sucesión Sedimentaria Inferior se encuentra estratigráficamente entre las plataformas urgonianas en la base (Formaciones Oliete, Villarroya de los Pinares) o la Formación Benassal, dependiendo de los sectores estudiados, y la Superficie de Discontinuidad Regional (SDR) en el techo. Esta Sucesión Sedimentaria Inferior tiene una edad Aptiense superior-Albiense inferior a partir de la bioestratigrafía de nanofósiles, foraminíferos planctónicos, dinoflagelados y polen. Esta sucesión está formada por: 1) un Intervalo Basal con Carbonatos, que constituye el registro sedimentario de una plataforma carbonatada con extensos lagoons; (2) Un Intervalo Intermedio con Carbón, formado en una costa siliciclástica con sistemas isla-barrera con marismas y 3) un Intervalo Arcilloso Superior caracterizado por potentes tramos arcillosos con rasgos pedogenéticos desarrollados en un sistema costero arcilloso de baja energía. La Sucesión Sedimentaria Superior (SSS) incluye areniscas, limos y arcillas de la parte superior de la Formación Escucha y las areniscas, limos y arcillas de la Formación Utrillas. Esta Sucesión Sedimentaria Superior se encuentra comprendida entre la Superficie de Discontinuidad Regional (SDR) en su base y las plataformas carbonatadas del Cretácico Superior en su techo, y tiene una edad Albiense inferior-Cenomaniense inferior. La Sucesión Sedimentaria Superior constituye un sistema desértico arenoso (erg), que se desarrolló sobre la SDR, extensiéndose sobre un área mínima de más de 16.000 km2 en las Provincias de Soria, Zaragoza y Teruel. El sistema desértico muestra una zonación espacial característica, como la descrita previamente para otros sistemas deposicionales desérticos antiguos (p.e. Porter, 1986): (a) back-erg; es el sector proximal del erg, próximo al Macizo Ibérico (con una altitud elevada) y situado en las Provincias de Soria, Zaragoza y Teruel y caracterizado por la interacción entre sistemas fluviales efímeros y procesos eólicos; (b) central-erg: es la parte central del sistema desértico arenoso. Ha sido reconocido en la Provincia de Teruel, y constituye una de las principales áreas de acumulación eólica con el desarrollo de draas (dunas complejas); (c) fore-erg: es el area distal del erg (Provincia de Teruel) caracterizado por la interacción entre el sistema desértico arenoso y el Tethys, donde los sedimentos eólicos fueron retrabajados en ambientes sedimentarios costeros restringidos. Tras una transgresión regional sobre el erg, se formó una costa árida en la que se desarrollaron marismas que generaron niveles de arcillas carbonosas. El desarrollo de este sistema desértico sufrió periodos de mayor y menor actividad eólica, asociados a variaciones en el aporte eólico que condicionaron la deflación y preservación de los sedimentos eólicos. Estas variaciones de los procesos alogenéticos dió lugar a una variedad de superficies limitantes que dividen el registro sedimentario eólico en diferentes estadios.The development of a Cretaceous sandy desert system (erg) has been recognized from stratigraphic, sedimentological, paleoclimate, palaeogeographic and synsedimentary tectonics studies in the Escucha and Utrillas Formations. These studies show that, in their reference area and surounding areas in the Iberian Range (Teruel, Soria, and Zaragoza Provinces) the thick sandy intervals with mudstones and siltstones of the upper part of the Escucha Formation and the whole Utrillas Formation constitute the sedimentary record of the first Cretaceous erg reported from Europe. The desert system developed over the Regional Unconformity Surface (SDR) which is included in the sedimentary record of the Escucha Formation and marks the regional disappearance of the coalbearing deposits of the Comarca de las Cuencas Mineras (Teruel). This regional surface is associated to subaerial exposure, erosion and synsedimentary tectonics and has been recognized in outcrop and in the subsurface over more than 230 km. This regional unconformity surface (SDR) separates two sedimentary successions: a Lower Sedimentary Succession (SSI) largely formed by mudstones and siltstones with coal-bearing deposits, sandstones and carbonates and an Upper Sedimentary Succession (SSS) formed by sandstones and a minor proportion of muddy and grey siltstones. The Lower Sedimentary Succession (SSI) comprises part of the lower and middle parts of the Escucha Formation of Pardo (1979) and contains the coal-bearing deposits that have been mined in the Comarca de las Cuencas Mineras de Teruel since long. This sedimentary succession is located between the urgonian carbonate platfoms (Oliete, Villarroya de los Pinares Fms) and the Benassal Fm below, and the Regional Unconformity Surface (SDR) above. It is late Aptian-early Albian in age, based on nannofossils, planktonic foraminifera, dinoflagellates and pollen biostratigraphy. This sedimentary succession comprises 1) a Lower Interval with Carbonates, developed in a carbonate platform with broad lagoons; 2) a Middle Interval with Coal-bearing deposits, developed in a dominated siliciclastic coastal system with barrier islands and marshes; 3) an Upper Muddy Interval characterized by mustones with pedogenetic features developed in a low-energy coastal setting. The Upper Sedimentary Succession (SSS) includes sandstones, siltstones and mudstones of the upper part of the Escucha Formation and sandstones, siltstones and mudstones of the Utrillas Formation. This Upper Sedimentary Succession is located between the Regional Unconformity Surface (SDR) below, and the Upper Cretaceous Carbonate Platforms above. It is early Albian to early Cenomanian in age. This Upper Sedimentary Succession constitutes a sandy desert depositional system (erg) that developed over the regional unconformity surface, over an area of more than 16,000 km2 in the provinces of Soria, Zaragoza and Teruel. The desert system displays a characteristic spatial zonation as previously described for other ancient desert depositional systems (e.g. Porter, 1986): (a) back-erg; the proximal area of the desert system close to the – then high – Variscan Iberian Massif (Soria, Zaragoza and Teruel Provinces) with the interaction of ephemeral fluvial systems and aeolian processes; (b) central-erg; central part of the desert system (Teruel Province) which is one of the main areas of aeolian sediments accumulation and draa (complex dunes) development; (c) fore-erg; distal area of the desert system (Teruel Province) where the erg and the coeval marine environment interacted. During its evolution, the erg-margin was transgressed by the Tethys, and aeolian sediments were reworked by the sea in restricted marine environments. After regional transgression an arid coast formed where marshes and mangroves developed forming thin coally mudstone layers. The development of this desert system shows periods of greater and less aeolian activity, associated to variations in aeolian input that conditioned the deflation and preservation of aeolian sediments. Such variations of allogenic processes led to a variety of regional bounding surfaces that divide the aeolian sedimentary record in different stages.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    Multifocus HDR VIS/NIR hyperspectral imaging and its application to works of art

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    The authors would like to thank Mr. Francisco Fernández Fábregas, owner of the Transfiguration of Christ for allowing us the privilege of studying this painting. We also acknowledge the collaboration of Angela Tate.This paper presents a complete framework for capturing and processing hyperspectral reflectance images of artworks in situ, using a hyperspectral line scanner. These capturing systems are commonly used in laboratory conditions synchronized with scanning stages specifically designed for planar surfaces. However, when the intended application domain does not allow for image capture in these controlled conditions, achieving useful spectral reflectance image data can be a very challenging task (due to uncontrolled illumination, high-dynamic range (HDR) conditions in the scene, and the influence of chromatic aberration on the image quality, among other factors). We show, for the first time, all the necessary steps in the image capturing and post-processing in order to obtain high-quality HDR-based reflectance in the visible and near infrared, directly from the data captured by using a hyperspectral line scanner coupled to a rotating tripod. Our results show that the proposed method outperforms the normal capturing process in terms of dynamic range, color and spectral accuracy. To demonstrate the potential interest of this processing strategy for on-site analysis of artworks, we applied it to the study of a vintage copy of the famous painting “Transfiguration” by Raphael, as well as a facsimile of “The Golden Haggadah” from the British Library of London. The second piece has been studied for the identification of highly reflective gold-foil covered areas.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, DPI2015-64571-R, ECQM2018-004952-

    Strategies for penicillin V dendronization with cationic carbosilane dendrons and study of antibacterial properties.

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    Strategies to synthesize a cationic carbosilane dendron containing the antibiotic penicillin V potassium salt (PenVK) at the focal point are discussed. The preparation of such a compound requires the use of systems with no donor atoms such as N or S in their framework, because their presence favours the rupture of the penicillin beta-lactam ring. The antibacterial activity of the new dendron containing ammonium groups, at the periphery, and the PenV moiety, at the focal point, against gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus strains was evaluated. These results were compared with those obtained for free PenVK, a related cationic dendron without a penicillin moiety at the focal point, and also compared with an equimolar mixture of this last dendron with free PenV. The data obtained indicate that, on one hand, the conjugation or interaction of PenV with cationic dendrons reduces its activity in comparison with free PenVK. On the other hand, the penicillin dendron is able to release the antibiotic in the presence of esterease, due to the breaking of the ester bond in this derivative.Ministerio de Economía y Empres

    Health-related Quality of Life in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Pediatric Patients and Their Caregivers in Spain: An Observational Cross-Sectional Study

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    Objectives: This study assessed the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and their caregivers.Methods: CHRYSTAL was an observational cross-sectional study conducted in Spain in 2014 on 275 patients under 18 years old diagnosed with T1DM. Patient/caregiver pairs were stratified by patients' HbA1c level (?7.5% versus <7.5%) and by presence or absence of T1DM complications and/or comorbidities. EQ-5D and PedsQL questionnaires were administered to patients and caregivers.Results: On the EQ-5D, according to caregivers' perception, 17.7% of children experienced moderate pain or discomfort, 9.7% suffered problems performing usual activities, and 13.2% demonstrated moderate anxiety or depression. Mean EQ-5D index score was 0.95 and mean visual analog scale (VAS) score was 86.1. By HbA1c level (?7.5% versus <7.5%), mean index scores were 0.94 and 0.95, and mean VAS scores were 82.8 and 89.2, respectively. Mean index scores were 0.91 for children with complications and/or comorbidities and 0.96 for children without. Mean VAS scores were 83.7 and 87.2, respectively. HRQOL per the PedsQL tool ranged from 68.1 (ages 2-4) to 73.1 (ages 13-18). EQ-5D index and VAS scores were significantly correlated (rho = 0.29-0.43) with several age groups of the PedsQL. EQ-5D scales showed significant moderate correlation between EQ-5D-Y and EQ-5D-3L proxy VAS score (rho = 0.45; p < .001).Conclusions: Patients with few complications and controlled HbA1c reported a relatively high HRQOL. The results suggest that parent-proxy EQ-5D ratings are valid for use as part of an overall health outcomes assessment in clinical studies of T1DM in pediatric patients

    Generation and analysis of ESTs from strawberry (Fragaria xananassa) fruits and evaluation of their utility in genetic and molecular studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cultivated strawberry is a hybrid octoploid species (<it>Fragaria xananassa </it>Duchesne ex. Rozier) whose fruit is highly appreciated due to its organoleptic properties and health benefits. Despite recent studies on the control of its growth and ripening processes, information about the role played by different hormones on these processes remains elusive. Further advancement of this knowledge is hampered by the limited sequence information on genes from this species, despite the abundant information available on genes from the wild diploid relative <it>Fragaria vesca</it>. However, the diploid species, or one ancestor, only partially contributes to the genome of the cultivated octoploid. We have produced a collection of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from different cDNA libraries prepared from different fruit parts and developmental stages. The collection has been analysed and the sequence information used to explore the involvement of different hormones in fruit developmental processes, and for the comparison of transcripts in the receptacle of ripe fruits of diploid and octoploid species. The study is particularly important since the commercial fruit is indeed an enlarged flower receptacle with the true fruits, the achenes, on the surface and connected through a network of vascular vessels to the central pith.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have sequenced over 4,500 ESTs from <it>Fragaria xananassa</it>, thus doubling the number of ESTs available in the GenBank of this species. We then assembled this information together with that available from <it>F. xananassa </it>resulting a total of 7,096 unigenes. The identification of SSRs and SNPs in many of the ESTs allowed their conversion into functional molecular markers. The availability of libraries prepared from green growing fruits has allowed the cloning of cDNAs encoding for genes of auxin, ethylene and brassinosteroid signalling processes, followed by expression studies in selected fruit parts and developmental stages. In addition, the sequence information generated in the project, jointly with previous information on sequences from both <it>F. xananassa </it>and <it>F. vesca</it>, has allowed designing an oligo-based microarray that has been used to compare the transcriptome of the ripe receptacle of the diploid and octoploid species. Comparison of the transcriptomes, grouping the genes by biological processes, points to differences being quantitative rather than qualitative.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The present study generates essential knowledge and molecular tools that will be useful in improving investigations at the molecular level in cultivated strawberry (<it>F. xananassa</it>). This knowledge is likely to provide useful resources in the ongoing breeding programs. The sequence information has already allowed the development of molecular markers that have been applied to germplasm characterization and could be eventually used in QTL analysis. Massive transcription analysis can be of utility to target specific genes to be further studied, by their involvement in the different plant developmental processes.</p

    Características morfológicas y estructura superficial de montículos submarinos del talud inferior del margen continental canario (O de las Islas Canarias)

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    Extrusive edifices and structural reliefs, catalogued as mounds and located on the seafloor to the west of Canary Islands were analyzed by acoustic data obtained with multibeam and parametric echosounders during several oceanographic expeditions. They were carried out at deep waters, from 4800 to 5200 m, and they have allowed characterizing 41 newly discovered submarine structures which occur either as isolated edifices or clustered mounds. These features have circular to elongated shapes with diameters of 2-24 km and relief heights of 10 to 250 m, showing different flank slopes of 2-50°. They generally display mounded forms and show morphological elements as ridges, near-circular rock outcrops, depressions and fault scarps together with mass flow and slide deposits located at the vicinity of the edifices. Two types of extrusive features are evidenced by the morphological and seismic data analyses, the first one probably corresponds to high velocity extrusions that reach the seafloor surface and the second one is probably formed by the combination of faulted structures and low velocity extrusions that produce singular domes in the shallower sedimentary records. Based on both analyses, extrusive phenomena represent the dominant mechanism for mound field evolution in the Canary lower slope region.Versión del edito